1. when we open the form what are the triggers will be fired?
2.What are trigger level? what is the sequence of triggers sequence firing ? How to over ride the sequence?
Ans. Item Level
Record Level
Block Level
Form level
The trigger firing sequence is same as the order mentioned above.
To change this order
Using Trigger Property:
Execution hierarchy = Override(default)
3. What are the types of canvases we have?
Ans. Content(Default)
Horizontal Tool Bar
Vertical Tool Bar
Tab Pages.
4. What is default canvas and diff between stacked and content? When we will use Stacked canvas?
Ans. Content canvas is default canvas
Content Stacked
1. Without content we can't develop 1. Optional
the form
2. It will occupy the complete 2. Depends on the Requirement
place of window
3. We can't hide 3. We can hide/display.
Stacked canvas is used to hide/display the canvas dynamically.
5. How to develop Tabular forms in D2K?
Ans. By using Tab Canvas , we can develop the Tab Forms.
6. What are the Pre-query and Post-query trigger and What is the difference?
Pre-query : Executes only one time before query the data
It will be used to change query dynamically change WHERE clause.
Post-query : Multiple times executes after query the data for every record it will executed once.
It will be used to display the Non-Database Items.
7. What are Property Clause and Visual Attributes?
Property Clause:
Property clause is grouping any property.
We can't change Property Clause dynamically.
We can define triggers.
Visual Attributes:
Visual Attributes are group of look and feel properties.
We can change Visual Attributes dynamically by using
SET_VA_PROPERTY procedure.
We can't define triggers.
8. Can we write triggers on Property Clause?
Ans. Yes We can define triggers on Property Clause.
9. What is the difference between CALL_FORM,OPEN_FORM,NEW_FORM?
CALL_FORM : This will be used to call another form.
Another form/New form will be opened
If we want to go back to the main form, we have to close the new form.
OPEN_FORM : This will be used to open Another/New form.
We can navigate to both(main & New) forms.
NEW_FORM : New form will be opened and Old form will be closed.
10. What are the Ways we can call the report from the form?
Ans. By using RUN_PRODUCT Procedure , We can call the report from the Form.
11. What is the difference between PRE-FORM and WHEN-NEW-FORM-iNSTANCE ?
PRE-FORM: Before form open, It will be fired.
WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE: Form will be opened but cursor will not be placed.
12. Can we create table from Form If so how?
Yes, We can create table from form.
By Using FORMS_DDL Procedure
13. What is the difference between Standard Procedure and Form Procedure?
Standard PL/SQL Procedure : Stored in database.
Form Procedure(Called Program units) : It will be stored in form file.
We can access from the current form.
If we want to access from another form we need
to create library and attach library to the
form, then only we can used.
14. what are object groups?
Ans. It is a group of objects like canvas,data block,window.
If we want to copy the canvas,block,window to another form then we will use
object group.
15. How to change Form Layout dynamically ?
Ans. By using stacked canvas, We can change the Form Layout dynamically.
16. What are the ways we can generate .fmx?
For Windows
For Linux/Unix
17. If cursor transfer from one text item to another text item then what is the
trigger sequence fire?
WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM ( When we change the value)
18. When we create Master Detail form what are the triggers will gets created and
at what level and what are the name and What is the functionality?
Non-Isolated : We Can't delete master record,if child associated child records exist.
Isolated : We can delete master record, then there will not be any effect for the
associated child records.
Cascade : We can delete master record then automatically associated child records
also deleted.
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